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Wreck of HS HYDRA, Saronic Bay. Volonakis, HCMR

Amphora at the depth of 514m,HCMR

Recovery of underwater antiquities

S/M THETIS Volonakis, HCMR

Recovery of MIRAGE motor,HCMR

Recovery of MIRAGE motor, HCMR

Wreck of HS HYDRA, Saronic Bay. Volonakis HCMR

Commitee for recovery of HAs Chinook, Volonakis HCMR

Operations with ROV MAX ROVER during Chinook's recovery, Volonakis HCMR

Contacting meeting for finding recovery technics during Chinook recovery operation. Volonakis HCMR

MIRAGE 2000 aft part recovery from 514m, HCMR

A view during the recovery at 466m, through the camera of ROV SUPER ACHILLE, Volonakis HCMR

Site of the deepest (497m) known ancient wreck (4th century BC) in the Aegean, HCMR

Recovery of amphora by S/M THETIS at 497m depth,HCMR

Close view of the manipulator of S/M THETIS during an amphora recovery, HCMR

Inserting the amphora in the recovery basket, HCMR

Testing a composite cylinder in IFREMER, Brest, France

survey of a damaged camshaft

Cracked Camshaft

Study of the damaged area

specimens from the cracked camshaft

Experimental definition of material properties

Inspection of a cracked propeler

Cutting samples for the study

Study of the sample

Specimens with strain gauges

Experimental definition of the material properties

Survey of a submarine

Salvage operations

Salvage operations